
“The easier you can make it inside your head, the easier it will make things outside your head.”

Hypnotherapy in Basingstoke and Hereford

Richard Bandler, co-creator of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

Hypnotherapy can help with almost any problem imaginable. From weight loss to stress and anxiety control, through to breaking bad habits, pain control, phobias, addiction and can even delve into past lives.

The Wellness Room uses hypnosis as an important therapeutic technique to allow you to change and move forward with your life in the most positive and effective way for you.

Hypnosis is a completely safe and common state to be in. In fact, we all enter hypnosis every day. For example, when you are almost asleep at night but still aware of what is going on, that is hypnosis. Or, if you are driving on a motorway on autopilot and suddenly realise that you have driven almost 30 miles. That, too, was a hypnotic state.

All of our memories, habits, phobias and feelings are stored in our subconscious minds. Sometimes the only way to access and to change those that aren’t helpful to our wellbeing is through hypnosis. The technique is completely safe and the results are often life-changing.

You are in control at all times. The hypnotherapist simply acts as a facilitator and guide so that you can achieve the most out of your session. It is a really relaxing and empowering state to be in.

There is nothing to worry about but if you do have any questions or would like anything clarified, please do get in touch.

Common Hypnotherapy Treatments.


Most people will experience some form of anxiety, whether as a response to a stressful situation or future event. However, those with an Anxiety Disorder may find their symptoms debilitating, making it extremely difficult to cope with daily life. While depression is a separate disorder, the two share similar symptoms and many clients present with both depression and anxiety. A combination of hypno-analysis and suggestion hypnotherapy is highly effective in overcoming anxiety, worry and depression.

Click here for more information

Stress Managment

Unfortunately stress has become a part of most people's experience at least some time in their life. Whilst some stress is actually good for us, too much can quickly become debilitating. Hypnotherapy can help both with supporting people to deal with triggers that may have caused the stress and with techniques for ongoing stress management. Hypnotherapy can also be used as a general relaxation treatment, that allows the body and mind to relax deeply.

For more information, click here

Pain Management

For those who suffer from chronic pain, life can be a daily struggle. Not knowing what each day will be like can be mentally as well as physically draining. Hypnotherapy is proven to help ease the symptoms of chronic pain issues such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome and others. It can also be a great aid for acute pain, whilst healing.

The Wellness Room offers group and individual workshops and 4-week pain management courses.

Click here for more information.

Weight Loss/Binge Eating

Losing weight and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is about more than dieting. For sustainable weight transformation there must be connection and alignment between the body and mind. Hypnotherapy is an acclaimed therapy for uncovering the hidden reasons many people become overweight and helps address the mind/body connection.

For more information on how The Wellness Room can help with your weight issue, click here

Confidence and Self Esteem

A lack of confidence and self-esteem can impact all areas of our lives. Often the issues people come to see me with stem originally from a lack of self-esteem. Hypnotherapy and other therapy techniques can support the building of confidence and help people truly value who they are.

Hypnosis is commonly used to treat Imposter Syndrome, Performance/presentation anxiety, exam and/or interview nerves, stutters, confidence at work and in life and much more. 

More information

Habits & Phobias

Hypnotherapy works by accessing the Subconscious part of the brain where all habits and phobias are created and stored. It is here that Hypnosis can make lasting changes.

Common examples of habits that Hypnosis can help change are:

- Smoking, nail biting, thumb sucking, skin picking, jaw clenching / teeth grinding, nervous smiling / laughter, scratching, hair pulling.

The most common types of fear and phobias include fear of:

- public speaking, spiders, heights, open or crowded spaces, flying, choking, being sick, needles, blood, and many more that are all treatable with hypnotherapy.

Past Life Regression

Past life regression hypnosis

Past Life Regression is fast becoming a popular phenomenon.

Whilst there is no proof that we have previous lives, the therapy itself can be extremely beneficial. Whether the memories the subconscious brings up are factual or not, they very often refer to something that is stopping us from moving forward in our current lives.

Past Life Regression helps to heal the pain, realise your full potential and enjoy the life you have now to the full.

A 90 minute session is generally recommended for Past Life Regression.

What to Expect

Hypnotherapy client

Free 15 minute initial consultation over the phone/Zoom to establish how The Wellness Room can help and whether the fit is right.

  • Each subsequent session is either face to face or via Zoom video call.

  • The sessions tend to include talk therapy (counselling/psychotherapy), hypnosis consisting of analysis and/or suggestion therapy and relaxation techniques.

  • Each session is taken at your own pace and in a safe environment.

Frequently Asked Questions.

What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a relaxing altered state of awareness where your mind can remain clear and focused on a single thing. It is similar to daydreaming but in a controlled environment. Hypnosis can positively change behaviour and emotion more rapidly than many other forms of therapy.

What does hypnotherapy feel like?

It feels extremely relaxing and creates feelings of empowerment, motivation, confidence and general positivity. You feel and ARE completely in control and often find clarity and focus where maybe it wasn’t before. It is a heightened state of concentration in which you can pinpoint specific thoughts and feelings that will allow growth and change.

Will I be in control?

Yes you are in control at all times. In fact, you will feel more in control that you could probably have ever imagined .

Will I be unconscious or asleep during the session?

You will not be asleep or unconscious. You are able to have dialogue with the therapist during hypnosis and are completely aware and in control of what is happening and what you say throughout hypnosis.

Why do I have to be in an ‘altered state’?

Being in an ‘altered state’ is important so that the conscious mind (which acts as the barrier to the subconscious) can be bypassed, in order for change to occur. The subconscious is where all memories and behaviours are stored. By speaking directly to the subconscious, we are able to make changes that the critical conscious might have prevented.

Is it like stage hypnosis?

No. The client’s welfare is the sole focus of hypnotherapy and all sessions work to ensure the client’s issues are addressed and resolved. Again, you are completely in control of everything you say throughout the process.

Can anyone be hypnotised?

Yes. Everyone can be hypnotised if they want to be. It is completely safe and natural and in fact we all enter hypnosis in our daily lives without a therapist to aid.

What if I can’t go into trance?

Even being in a light hypnotic state of awareness is enough to achieve the desired outcome. All people will achieve a trance deep enough to allow the process to take place. It may only feel like you are a little relaxed and that is absolutely fine.

Will I remember anything afterwards?

You will remember everything unless the therapist has good reason to delay the recall for the benefit of the client. For example, if early memories of traumas, abuse or neglect come to the surface. Your subconscious is always looking out for you so you will remember only what you are ready to remember.

If you have any more questions about Hypnotherapy, do get in touch any time.