Wellness Walks.

Wellness Walks will take you on a calming, mindful journey, to rejuvenate, relax and be ready to take on the rest of your day, feeling great.

Who is it For?

Wellness Walks are for absolutely anybody. The walks take place during the week, usually around lunchtime. They offer the perfect opportunity to take a break from whatever you are doing and enjoy nature for a while.

Mindful walking is a wonderful way to take your mind off your day to day worries and stresses. Looking at trees, flowers and birds, noticing how each step you take feels in your body. Taking the time to slow down. These few moments are YOUR moments of tranquility, of calmness and to fully immerse yourself in the beauty around you.


Benefits of Mindful Walking.

Benefits of mindful walking. Wellness Walks
  • Reduces stress and anxiety

  • Boosts your immune system

  • Elevates your mood

  • Allows you to focus

  • Improves sleep quality

  • Improves your awareness and memory

  • Can improve creativity

  • Regulates your heart rate, strengthens it and improves circulation

  • Strengthens your muscles and makes you fitter


What to Expect.

Wellness Walks tend to last for around 40 minutes and will take place at lunchtimes during the week (weather dependant).

The walks are planned out in advance and will start and end in the same place, for ease.

During the walk, there will be a short guided meditation for positivity and energy.

This is your time, so although there will be guidance, ultimately, you can enjoy the walk in the presence of other walkers, or on your own, whichever is more appealing to you.

There will be time to talk about how you are feeling, if you wish to do so. It is a safe space.

The walks are for promoting calmness within, relaxing, reducing stress and leaving you feeling rejuvenated and ready to enjoy the rest of your day.

All walks are either in the Hereford or Basingstoke areas.

Wellness Walks take place weekly between May and October each year.

For more information on dates, times and locations, get in touch with The Wellness Room.